English Montessori School


+48 603 425 204


10 J. Gallusa Street

40-594 Katowice POLAND

07:30 - 17:00

Monday to Friday


123 456 789


Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

Karolina Czura.

I am a choir conductor and teacher by education and passion. In both of these areas, my priority is to make my pupils enjoy making music. Privately, I am a mother of two girls who are my greatest joy and greatest challenge. I strongly believe in closeness parenting, which I see as a wonderful way to fix our world. In my free time, I try to understand physics and astronomy, play board games and plan a trip of my life to the British Isles.


Music club / Music club is a creative, interdisciplinary class, combining music with movement and plastic arts. The various activities we undertake are aimed at deepening our knowledge of music and musical sensitivity. The very essence of music means that you will definitely have a lot of fun! The classes are intended for all children, regardless of the so-called talent. Each child has a chance to become an enthusiastic and conscious recipient of music and enjoy it.

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